Parents FAQs

How does the school know if my child needs additional support?

A child with SEND is defined as:

  1. having significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age

  2. having a disability, which either prevents or hinders the child from making use of facilities of a kind which are provided for children of the same age in a mainstream schools

The teacher will raise a concern with the SENCO and parents. Following this, in discussion with the SENCO (Mrs Causon) and the adults who work with the child, the children's needs will be identified and suitable provision will be put into place.

Any of the following may indicate a concern:

  • Parents/carer

  • Child

  • Teacher/subject leaders referral

  • Response/ length of time on SEN register

  • Support from outside agencies

  • Health/Medical assessments

  • Records – transferred from another school or setting

  • Pupil tracking

What should I do if I think my child has SEND?

We encourage parents to raise concerns with the school. If you feel your child is having difficulties, talk to your child’s class teacher and please bring in any supporting documentation to the school office. The teacher can best inform you of your child’s progress and after discussion and agreement, put in any additional support for your child.

You can find school contact details here

Mrs Causon is the school SENCO and will liaise between teachers, parents and other professionals to ensure your child is well supported. Please feel free to arrange an appointment should you wish to discuss your concerns further.

How will I know if the school is supporting my child?

Teachers will communicate with parents the range of support their child is receiving and are always available should you want a more indepth discussion at any point in the year.

Those children who are invited to attend additional interventions outside or regular school hours will be invited through a formal letter.

During parent evenings teachers will discuss the range of support your child is receiving and their progress. An individual education plan will be shared with you detailing this and you are invited to contribute and discuss any changes or amendments you may wish to make.

How does the school monitor my child’s progress?

All teachers, the SENCO and support staff carry out an ongoing process of assessment, planning, actioning and reviewing that recognises each child’s strengths as well as areas for improvement. Based on these assessments, targets will be set for your child. These targets will be addressed during daily teaching sessions and reassessed at the end of a unit.

Longer term, (termly IEP) targets will be set by the class teacher during IEP reviews. These will be reviewed during parent evenings.

Children participating in an intervention will be assessed using an alternative assessment systems and re-assessed at the end of the intervention to monitor their progress.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

A range of strategies may be used to enable all children to access the curriculum. For your child this would mean:

  • Teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.

  • Use of a range of teaching styles which recognise the individual learning styles of the children in the class.

  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCO or outside agencies) are in place to support your child to learn.

  • Differentiation of the curriculum to match learning to ability.

  • Using a range of resources which suit different learning styles.

  • Peer group support through mixed ability grouping, paired reading and “buddy” systems.

  • Use of positive behaviour modification strategies within the classroom and as part of the whole school Behaviour Policy.

How will the school support my child’s emotional well-being?

Should a child need support for improving emotional and social development the following may be offered:

  • Learning mentor support and interventions delivered in class - 1:1 or in a group, to develop positive attitudes to learning, and out of class to address social and emotional issues which affect children’s learning progress.

  • Friendship groups

  • Use of peer modelling and mentoring.

  • Use of talk partners during whole class and group learning sessions.

  • Pupil Voice/Junior leadership team

  • Buddy systems for support during playtimes and lunchtimes.

  • Consistent implementation of the school’s behaviour policy.

  • home/school diaries to ensure daily communication between home and school

  • Referral will be made to one or more of the following agencies: the educational psychologist, CAMHS, Behaviour support services or FCAF

How will the school help prepare my child’s transition to another phase, class or secondary school?

When moving classes in school:

    • Information will be passed on to the new class teacher and in most cases, a planning meeting will take place with the new teacher. All IEP’s and pupil profiles will be shared with the new teacher.

    • If your child would be helped by a book or a passport to support them understand moving on then it will be made for them.

    • During the Summer term you child will have an opportunity to meet their new class teacher during transition afternoons.

In Year 6:

    • Your child will do focused learning about aspects of transition to support their understanding of the changes ahead.

    • Where possible your child will visit their new school on several occasions and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.

If your child is moving to another school:

    • We will contact the school SENCO and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child.

    • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.